Friday, 19 July 2013

Through a glass, darkly

Have been diagnosed with cataracts, of all things; I can't say I'm thrilled but it explains a great deal.  Nil desperandum and all that so I'm going to try THESE before submitting to surgery and I'll let you know how I get on.

I can't help but think (a) the drops would be more widely known about by now if they were truly effective, and, (b) I noticed that in the supporting video clip there was no mention of a product name - it was simply implied.  Still, anything's worth trying at this stage.  Will post updates :)

P, the builder, and C, the plumber, have been a pair of Stoics for the past two weeks.  The central heating and hot water system was thirty years old and pretty much defunct so they've done some serious work to install a new system, together with a new bathroom since they had to go there anyway (the only place the new boiler could go and once you're moving the loo, what about everything else?).  I think I should have been offering them home-made iced lemonade rather than tea and coffee but there you go.

It's a funny old house: the more you uncover the worse it gets.  Have found some rotten plaster and old tiles (black, of all colours) on the bathroom walls, hidden behind some lovely and innocuous white-painted weatherboarding.  And don't get me started on the slugs! I went on slug patrol the night before last and captured six in a daring shoes-on, vomit-bag-at-the-ready 2am raid.

I'm not looking for trouble, trouble came looking for a blonde and it found me:

Torquay continues to enchant.  When I walk out it's as though I'm in a Disney wonderland of happy, smiley English people and I can't remember the last time it was like this - probably when I was back home in Yorkshire.  The Devonshire people are fiercely proud and rightly so; it's only London that isn't with us.  London has always been a City in its own right with its own Police Force; the HQ of financial centres; working all the hours God sends; immigrants, and welfare. It's strangely ironic that Canary Wharf, home to multi-national Banks and epitomising the money-creating financial sector, is situated in Tower Hamlets, one of the most deprived Boroughs in the country.

My new phone came a couple of days ago and I took a lovely photo of a pair of tennis shoes while I was figuring out how it works.  Now that I have the capability I find I'm loath to post pics of ripped-out baths, radiators and boilers for you so instead I'll try to find a cabbage in my raised bed that hasn't already been eaten by Cabbage Whites.

Back soon :)

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